Tuesday, May 11, 2010

getting back into shape!

I only gained 10 lbs with my pregnancy, so within two weeks of delivering Mason, I weighed 10 lbs less than before I was pregnant! During my pregnancy I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, so after I had him I ate anything sweet that I could get my hands on and a lot of it!! So now, I weigh 5 lbs more than when I started. I have been waiting for the go ahead from my doctor to start working out, but at my last appointment 2 weeks ago, he suggested I wait a little longer because my pubic symphysis was still hurting. Today I started using the Power 90 video and so far I feel great! I am proud of myself for getting going, however sticking with it has always been my problem in the past, so hopefully this time I can do it!! I am hoping by starting this blog, I will have some accountability to myself and anyone else who happens to read! Good luck to me!!

1 comment:

  1. Of course I have hit a road block, but I am not going to let it get me off track! Tomorrow is another day to continue on my way!!
